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History of Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie was one of the original ponies to be introduced by Hasbro in 2003. She was used to promote the brand, and was sold as a single pony in regular general stores.

G2 Pinkie
Pinkie Cinderella Set

In 2004, they started to sell Pinkie Pie ponies exclusively to Disney, dressed as Cinderella. In 2005, She was re-issued with a new pose in the Pie Party Fun dress-up set and the Easter Egg dress-up set. In 2006 they issued yet another pose of Pinkie. 
G3 Pinkie

However, by 2010, FiM was created, and they changed the look of the MLP dolls completely.
G4 Pinkie

Cutie Mark Now
The nylon hair was replaced with plastic, and her cutie mark changed a decent amount.

And then Pinkie Pie.. was born!
Original Cutie Mark