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Check out the new archive! Co-writers needed! If interested, email me at p0k3rthepony@gmail.com!


PMV: Double Rainbow Syndrome

This is the most amazing thing since sliced bread.
Embed after break :D


Comic Dump #1 : Laughter Edition

Horray for dumping comics! As al- well, after the break. XD

Pinkie Pie Hangs out with AI cores

Pinkie Pie is a genius, hm?

...No? Why do you say that?


Oh, Embed after Break

Cupcakes, Cupcakes, Cup-caaaaaakes!


Description:  In the wonderful words of Know Your Meme..
Cupcakes is a fan-fiction series suited in the universe of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, which became notorious within the fanbase for its highly creepy and gore-filled narrative. It has been described by Equestria Daily as the most creepy, crude, gory and traumathizing narrative involving ponies ever written.
Read it here!

Pinkie PMVs + Important Note! :D

Lot's of Pinkie PMVs after the break! <3